API: E-Blaster list creation, list management and sending emails.
Jimmy Brake Oct 15, 2006
This page allows you to create a list to hold email addresses, view email list names, upload email addresses to lists, create email blasts to be sent to email lists, list email blasts. PROCESS Create a user using create profile, using that user create a list(create_list), upload a list of email addresses(upload_list) and then create an email to be sent to that list(create_eblast). COMMAND create_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, owner_email required attributes: list_name ERRORS must have a list name example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'The list name' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND update_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, list_id, owner_email required attributes: list_name, list_id ERRORS must have a list name, list id, owner_email must be the same as the original owner example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'the new list name', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND view_lists: gets a list of email lists and their owners FEEDBACK a json packet with the lists ATTRIBUTES none ERRORS none example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'view_lists':1 }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND upload_list: upload a list of email addresses and json packets FEEDBACK inserted, updated and invalid emails NOTE: we check the mx records for each email before we insert or update it ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email required attributes: owner_email, list_id ATTRIBUTES.json list_data ERRORS must have a list id, owner_email and list data example in php: /************ Upload a list of email addresses and their associated variables. ************/ require_once('JSON.php'); $json = new Services_JSON(); // create the list $list[email][0] = 'jimmy@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][0] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"jimmy","last_name"=>"brake","comment"=>"something to say")); $list[email][1] = 'linda@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][1] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list[email][2] = 'kent@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][2] = ''; $list[email][3] = 'lauren@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][3] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list = urlencode($json->encode($list)); $url ="&email=anadmin@foo.com"; $url .="&password=yourpass"; $url .="&code=ISRG"; $url .="&upload_list=1"; $url .="&owner_email=jimmy@isurge.com"; $url .="&list_id=f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f979798786f24b0f40"; $url .="&list_data=$list"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import simplejson
# create the of emails and their variables
a = ["test@isurge.com"] json = {"first_name":"test","last_name":"user","comment":"something to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b = [json]
a.append("test2@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test2","last_name":"user2","comment":"nothing to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test3@isurge.com") json = {"":""} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test4@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test4","last_name":"user4","comment":"lots to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
# create the dictionary to hold the two arrays
d = {} d['email'] = a d['vars'] = b
d = simplejson.dumps(d)
import urllib params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'upload_list':1, "owner_email":"jimmy@isurge.com", "list_id":"f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40", "list_data":d }) f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND create_eblast: create and schedule an eblast FEEDBACK success of insertion, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past example in php: $text_body = "hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji"; $html_body = "hi hi hi google.com soogle.com doogle.com hoogle.com V_COMMENT, V_FIRST_NAME, V_LAST_NAME, V_EMAIL hji"; $subject = "hi hi"; // create the eblast $url ="&email=ji@ge.com"; $url .="&password=97978"; $url .="&code=COMT"; $url .="&create_eblast=1"; $url .="&text_body=".urlencode($text_body).""; $url .="&html_body=".urlencode($html_body).""; $url .="&subject=".urlencode($subject).""; $url .="&owner_email=jmy@ie.com"; $url .="&date_to_send=200610011730"; $url .="&list_id=f831ab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40"; $url .="&from_email=jmy@alliance.com"; $url .="&from_name=Jim+Bre"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200610011730"
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'create_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND list_eblast: will list all the eblasts FEEDBACK a list of owner_emails, email_message_ids, subjects, date_to_send, date created, list_ids ATTRIBUTES.http email_owner, list_id REQUIRED none ERRORS none Example in python import urllib
# this will list all email blasts params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1 })
# this will list only the email blasts of a particular owner #params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com' })
# this will list only the email blasts of a specific list_id #params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1, 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read() COMMAND delete_eblast FEEDBACK a success message ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS attempting to delete an eblast that is scheduled to be sent in the past, attempting to delete an email message that does not exist or is not owned by the owner_email Example in python import urllib
# this will delete an email blast params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'delete_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'email_message_id':'d876fe4a73e4d97a46adfc3d843e4739' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read()
update_eblast FEEDBACK success of update, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, email_message_id ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200710011730"
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'update_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'email_message_id':'71dac48998b0eedd994450d16f8cd60d', 'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND eblast_stats FEEDBACK json packet with statistics ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id
This page allows you to create a list to hold email addresses, view email list names, upload email addresses to lists, create email blasts to be sent to email lists, list email blasts. PROCESS Create a user using create profile, using that user create a list(create_list), upload a list of email addresses(upload_list) and then create an email to be sent to that list(create_eblast). COMMAND create_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, owner_email required attributes: list_name ERRORS must have a list name example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'The list name' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND update_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, list_id, owner_email required attributes: list_name, list_id ERRORS must have a list name, list id, owner_email must be the same as the original owner example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'the new list name', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND view_lists: gets a list of email lists and their owners FEEDBACK a json packet with the lists ATTRIBUTES none ERRORS none example in python: import urllib # create a new email list params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes', 'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'view_lists':1 }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND upload_list: upload a list of email addresses and json packets FEEDBACK inserted, updated and invalid emails NOTE: we check the mx records for each email before we insert or update it ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email required attributes: owner_email, list_id ATTRIBUTES.json list_data ERRORS must have a list id, owner_email and list data example in php: /************ Upload a list of email addresses and their associated variables. ************/ require_once('JSON.php'); $json = new Services_JSON(); // create the list $list[email][0] = 'jimmy@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][0] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"jimmy","last_name"=>"brake","comment"=>"something to say")); $list[email][1] = 'linda@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][1] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list[email][2] = 'kent@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][2] = ''; $list[email][3] = 'lauren@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][3] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list = urlencode($json->encode($list)); $url ="&email=anadmin@foo.com"; $url .="&password=yourpass"; $url .="&code=ISRG"; $url .="&upload_list=1"; $url .="&owner_email=jimmy@isurge.com"; $url .="&list_id=f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f979798786f24b0f40"; $url .="&list_data=$list"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import simplejson
# create the of emails and their variables
a = ["test@isurge.com"] json = {"first_name":"test","last_name":"user","comment":"something to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b = [json]
a.append("test2@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test2","last_name":"user2","comment":"nothing to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test3@isurge.com") json = {"":""} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test4@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test4","last_name":"user4","comment":"lots to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
# create the dictionary to hold the two arrays
d = {} d['email'] = a d['vars'] = b
d = simplejson.dumps(d)
import urllib params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'upload_list':1, "owner_email":"jimmy@isurge.com", "list_id":"f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40", "list_data":d }) f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND create_eblast: create and schedule an eblast FEEDBACK success of insertion, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past example in php: $text_body = "hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji"; $html_body = "hi hi hi google.com soogle.com doogle.com hoogle.com V_COMMENT, V_FIRST_NAME, V_LAST_NAME, V_EMAIL hji"; $subject = "hi hi"; // create the eblast $url ="&email=ji@ge.com"; $url .="&password=97978"; $url .="&code=COMT"; $url .="&create_eblast=1"; $url .="&text_body=".urlencode($text_body).""; $url .="&html_body=".urlencode($html_body).""; $url .="&subject=".urlencode($subject).""; $url .="&owner_email=jmy@ie.com"; $url .="&date_to_send=200610011730"; $url .="&list_id=f831ab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40"; $url .="&from_email=jmy@alliance.com"; $url .="&from_name=Jim+Bre"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200610011730"
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'create_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND list_eblast: will list all the eblasts FEEDBACK a list of owner_emails, email_message_ids, subjects, date_to_send, date created, list_ids ATTRIBUTES.http email_owner, list_id REQUIRED none ERRORS none Example in python import urllib
# this will list all email blasts params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1 })
# this will list only the email blasts of a particular owner #params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com' })
# this will list only the email blasts of a specific list_id #params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1, 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read() COMMAND delete_eblast FEEDBACK a success message ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS attempting to delete an eblast that is scheduled to be sent in the past, attempting to delete an email message that does not exist or is not owned by the owner_email Example in python import urllib
# this will delete an email blast params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'delete_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'email_message_id':'d876fe4a73e4d97a46adfc3d843e4739' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read()
update_eblast FEEDBACK success of update, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, email_message_id ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200710011730"
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'update_eblast':1, 'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com', 'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'email_message_id':'71dac48998b0eedd994450d16f8cd60d', 'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND eblast_stats FEEDBACK json packet with statistics ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id Example in Python
import urllib import simplejson
# this will get an eblast stats params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'eblast_stats':1, 'owner_email':'linda@dwalliance.com', 'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f); for key in foo: if key!='clicks': print key, foo[key]
# process the click data
clicked = foo["clicks"] count = clicked["count"] url = clicked["url"]
for a in range(len(count)): print url[a] + " " + count[a]
COMMAND get_sent FEEDBACK json packet with email addresses and other info ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id import urllib import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_sent':1, 'owner_email':'linda@dwalliance.com', 'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f); for c in foo: print c COMMAND
json packet with email addresses and other info
owner_email, email_message_id
invalid owner or email_message_id
import urllib
import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_opened':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f);
for c in foo:
print c This page allows you to create a list to hold email addresses, view
email list names, upload email addresses to lists, create email blasts
to be sent to email lists, list email blasts. PROCESS
Create a user using create profile, using that user create a
list(create_list), upload a list of email addresses(upload_list) and
then create an email to be sent to that list(create_eblast). COMMAND create_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, owner_email required attributes: list_name ERRORS must have a list name example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'The list name' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND update_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, list_id, owner_email required attributes: list_name, list_id ERRORS must have a list name, list id, owner_email must be the same as the original owner example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'the new list name',
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND view_lists: gets a list of email lists and their owners FEEDBACK a json packet with the lists ATTRIBUTES none ERRORS none example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'view_lists':1 }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND upload_list: upload a list of email addresses and json packets FEEDBACK inserted, updated and invalid emails NOTE: we check the mx records for each email before we insert or update it ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email required attributes: owner_email, list_id ATTRIBUTES.json list_data ERRORS must have a list id, owner_email and list data example in php: /************ Upload a list of email addresses and their associated variables. ************/ require_once('JSON.php'); $json = new Services_JSON(); // create the list $list[email][0] = 'jimmy@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][0] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"jimmy","last_name"=>"brake","comment"=>"something to say")); $list[email][1] = 'linda@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][1] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list[email][2] = 'kent@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][2] = ''; $list[email][3] = 'lauren@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][3] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list = urlencode($json->encode($list)); $url ="&email=anadmin@foo.com"; $url .="&password=yourpass"; $url .="&code=ISRG"; $url .="&upload_list=1"; $url .="&owner_email=jimmy@isurge.com"; $url .="&list_id=f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f979798786f24b0f40"; $url .="&list_data=$list"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import simplejson
# create the of emails and their variables
a = ["test@isurge.com"] json = {"first_name":"test","last_name":"user","comment":"something to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b = [json]
a.append("test2@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test2","last_name":"user2","comment":"nothing to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test3@isurge.com") json = {"":""} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test4@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test4","last_name":"user4","comment":"lots to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
# create the dictionary to hold the two arrays
d = {} d['email'] = a d['vars'] = b
d = simplejson.dumps(d)
import urllib params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'upload_list':1,
"list_id":"f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40", "list_data":d }) f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND create_eblast: create and schedule an eblast FEEDBACK success of insertion, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past example in php: $text_body = "hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji"; $html_body = "hi hi hi google.com soogle.com doogle.com hoogle.com V_COMMENT, V_FIRST_NAME, V_LAST_NAME, V_EMAIL hji"; $subject = "hi hi"; // create the eblast $url ="&email=ji@ge.com"; $url .="&password=97978"; $url .="&code=COMT"; $url .="&create_eblast=1"; $url .="&text_body=".urlencode($text_body).""; $url .="&html_body=".urlencode($html_body).""; $url .="&subject=".urlencode($subject).""; $url .="&owner_email=jmy@ie.com"; $url .="&date_to_send=200610011730"; $url .="&list_id=f831ab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40"; $url .="&from_email=jmy@alliance.com"; $url .="&from_name=Jim+Bre"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200610011730"
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'create_eblast':1,
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'text_body':text_body,
'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email,
'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND list_eblast: will list all the eblasts FEEDBACK a list of owner_emails, email_message_ids, subjects, date_to_send, date created, list_ids ATTRIBUTES.http email_owner, list_id REQUIRED none ERRORS none Example in python import urllib
# this will list all email blasts params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1 })
# this will list only the email blasts of a particular owner #params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1,
'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com' })
# this will list only the email blasts of a specific list_id #params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1,
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read() COMMAND delete_eblast FEEDBACK a success message ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS attempting
to delete an eblast that is scheduled to be sent in the past,
attempting to delete an email message that does not exist or is not
owned by the owner_email Example in python import urllib
# this will delete an email blast params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'delete_eblast':1,
'email_message_id':'d876fe4a73e4d97a46adfc3d843e4739' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read()
update_eblast FEEDBACK success of update, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, email_message_id ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200710011730"
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'update_eblast':1,
'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject,
'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name,
'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND eblast_stats FEEDBACK json packet with statistics ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id
This page allows you to create a list to hold email addresses, view
email list names, upload email addresses to lists, create email blasts
to be sent to email lists, list email blasts. PROCESS
Create a user using create profile, using that user create a
list(create_list), upload a list of email addresses(upload_list) and
then create an email to be sent to that list(create_eblast). COMMAND create_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, owner_email required attributes: list_name ERRORS must have a list name example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'The list name' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND update_list: Creates a new list. FEEDBACK a json packet with the list_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_name, list_id, owner_email required attributes: list_name, list_id ERRORS must have a list name, list id, owner_email must be the same as the original owner example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'list_name':'the new list name',
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND view_lists: gets a list of email lists and their owners FEEDBACK a json packet with the lists ATTRIBUTES none ERRORS none example in python: import urllib # create a new email list
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'you@your.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'CMPNY', 'create_list':'yes',
'owner_email':'some@enduser.com', 'view_lists':1 }) f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND upload_list: upload a list of email addresses and json packets FEEDBACK inserted, updated and invalid emails NOTE: we check the mx records for each email before we insert or update it ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email required attributes: owner_email, list_id ATTRIBUTES.json list_data ERRORS must have a list id, owner_email and list data example in php: /************ Upload a list of email addresses and their associated variables. ************/ require_once('JSON.php'); $json = new Services_JSON(); // create the list $list[email][0] = 'jimmy@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][0] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"jimmy","last_name"=>"brake","comment"=>"something to say")); $list[email][1] = 'linda@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][1] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list[email][2] = 'kent@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][2] = ''; $list[email][3] = 'lauren@dwalliance.com'; $list[vars][3] = $json->encode(array("first_name"=>"lori","last_name"=>"smith","comment"=>"nothing to say")); $list = urlencode($json->encode($list)); $url ="&email=anadmin@foo.com"; $url .="&password=yourpass"; $url .="&code=ISRG"; $url .="&upload_list=1"; $url .="&owner_email=jimmy@isurge.com"; $url .="&list_id=f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f979798786f24b0f40"; $url .="&list_data=$list"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import simplejson
# create the of emails and their variables
a = ["test@isurge.com"] json = {"first_name":"test","last_name":"user","comment":"something to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b = [json]
a.append("test2@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test2","last_name":"user2","comment":"nothing to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test3@isurge.com") json = {"":""} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
a.append("test4@isurge.com") json = {"first_name":"test4","last_name":"user4","comment":"lots to say"} json = simplejson.dumps(json) b.append(json)
# create the dictionary to hold the two arrays
d = {} d['email'] = a d['vars'] = b
d = simplejson.dumps(d)
import urllib params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'upload_list':1,
"list_id":"f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40", "list_data":d }) f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND create_eblast: create and schedule an eblast FEEDBACK success of insertion, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past example in php: $text_body = "hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji"; $html_body = "hi hi hi google.com soogle.com doogle.com hoogle.com V_COMMENT, V_FIRST_NAME, V_LAST_NAME, V_EMAIL hji"; $subject = "hi hi"; // create the eblast $url ="&email=ji@ge.com"; $url .="&password=97978"; $url .="&code=COMT"; $url .="&create_eblast=1"; $url .="&text_body=".urlencode($text_body).""; $url .="&html_body=".urlencode($html_body).""; $url .="&subject=".urlencode($subject).""; $url .="&owner_email=jmy@ie.com"; $url .="&date_to_send=200610011730"; $url .="&list_id=f831ab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40"; $url .="&from_email=jmy@alliance.com"; $url .="&from_name=Jim+Bre"; $return = file("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?$url"); echo implode($return); exit(); ?> Example in python: import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200610011730"
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'create_eblast':1,
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40', 'text_body':text_body,
'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject, 'from_email':from_email,
'from_name':from_name, 'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND list_eblast: will list all the eblasts FEEDBACK a list of owner_emails, email_message_ids, subjects, date_to_send, date created, list_ids ATTRIBUTES.http email_owner, list_id REQUIRED none ERRORS none Example in python import urllib
# this will list all email blasts params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1 })
# this will list only the email blasts of a particular owner #params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1,
'owner_email':'jimmy@isurge.com' })
# this will list only the email blasts of a specific list_id #params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'list_eblast':1,
'list_id':'f83125e0abdab00fa01d3f86f24b0f40' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read() COMMAND delete_eblast FEEDBACK a success message ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS attempting
to delete an eblast that is scheduled to be sent in the past,
attempting to delete an email message that does not exist or is not
owned by the owner_email Example in python import urllib
# this will delete an email blast params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'delete_eblast':1,
'email_message_id':'d876fe4a73e4d97a46adfc3d843e4739' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
print f.read()
update_eblast FEEDBACK success of update, urls that were found and will be tracked , email_message_id ATTRIBUTES.http list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, html_body required attributes: list_id, owner_email, from_name, from_email, subject, text_body, date_to_send, email_message_id ERRORS will error on any of the missing variables, will error if the list_id and owner_email are incorrect WARNINGS will warn if date_to_send is in the past import urllib
# text part of the message text_body = '''hi hi hi http://yahoo.com hji'''
#html part of the message html_body = '''hi
hi hi
# subject of the message subject = "hi hi"
#from email address from_email="someone@isurge.com"
#from email name from_name="Test User"
#date to send date_to_send="200710011730"
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'update_eblast':1,
'text_body':text_body, 'html_body':html_body,'subject':subject,
'from_email':from_email, 'from_name':from_name,
'date_to_send':date_to_send })
f = urllib.urlopen("http://isurge.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params) print f.read() COMMAND eblast_stats FEEDBACK json packet with statistics ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id Example in Python
import urllib import simplejson
# this will get an eblast stats params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'eblast_stats':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f); for key in foo: if key!='clicks': print key, foo[key]
# process the click data
clicked = foo["clicks"] count = clicked["count"] url = clicked["url"]
for a in range(len(count)): print url[a] + " " + count[a]
COMMAND get_sent FEEDBACK json packet with email addresses and other info ATTRIBUTES.http owner_email, email_message_id ERRORS invalid owner or email_message_id import urllib import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to params
= urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_sent':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f); for c in foo: print c COMMAND
json packet with email addresses and other info
owner_email, email_message_id
invalid owner or email_message_id
import urllib
import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_opened':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f);
for c in foo:
print c
json packet with email addresses and other info
owner_email, email_message_id
invalid owner or email_message_id
import urllib
import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_bounced':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f);
for c in foo:
print c
json packet with email addresses and other info
owner_email, email_message_id
invalid owner or email_message_id
import urllib
import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that the system attempted to send email to
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com',
'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_unsubscribed':1,
'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f);
for c in foo:
print c
json packet with email addresses and other info
owner_email, email_message_id
invalid owner or email_message_id
Example in Python import urllib import simplejson
# this will get a list of users that have clicked a link in an html email
params = urllib.urlencode({'email':'youradmin@email.com', 'password':'yourpass', 'code':'ISRG', 'get_clicked':1, 'owner_email':'linda@dwalliance.com', 'email_message_id':'795d930d1cbeb4b8710c85049c2ba045' })
f = urllib.urlopen("https://store.dwalliance.com/api/manage_lists.1.html?%s" % params)
foo = simplejson.load(f); for c in foo: print c
1 of 1
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